The Tree4life Project
Posted on 29th November 2022 at 18:09
The NHS SMASH team working in Partnership with the Cherry Tree Community Centre, a charity based in Beverley, are delivering the SMASH Grows’ Seeds of Change Project & Tree 4 life Project.
The project was written following Young People experiencing nearly 2 years of remote learning, isolation, school closures and restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic that people have not faced in over 50 years. The project is a great opportunity for Young People to re-connect with their schools, teachers and environment whilst learning about the eco system and the positive impact trees have on our everyday life.
This project aims to highlight the importance of coming together to understand and celebrate emotional & mental health wellbeing and its relationship to nature and how nature can be used as a tool to support and maintain good emotional wellbeing.
The Tree4life project hopes to create a sense of belonging in our community and support the positive impact on the environment around us. The project aims to leave a legacy within schools across Hull and East Riding to demonstrate what we do today will impact on tomorrow & our future environment. By planting the trees today, we can improve tomorrow.
We welcome schools to grow with this project and celebrate our environment, its amazing young people, and the fantastic work they do!
Find out more below

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