How you can support us

If you are passionate about helping people within the local community and join our incredible team of volunteers, please get in touch by calling 01482 871993

The centre receives funding each year from East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the Beverley Town Council but it is dependant on grants and fundraising to maintain and develop activities.

As a charity we rely heavily on donations, please let us know if you can help in any way.
To make a donation, please get in touch
If you shop through Amazon, you can also support us by using our Amazon Smile link.
We get 0.5% of any purchases you make.

We would like to thank all those organisations that have helped to support us.

To help raise much-needed funds to support the incredible work we do, Beverley Cherry Tree Community Centre has registered the charity with, the UK’s leading good cause cash back site, where supporters of the charity can shop online with over 3,100 retailers and raise donations on every single purchase they make. Being such a free and easy way for supporters to raise money for the charity by simply shopping online – something they already do this means the charity will be able to raise unlimited funds at no extra cost to the supporter.